Hanilor-Lactalis Group
Chocolate Fudge

Difficulty : Intermediate

Time : 30 Minutes

Category : Dessert
- 2 cans of condensed milk Smeds
- 200 gr. of Smeds butter
- 110 gr. of fine brown sugar
- 2 tsp of vanilla extract
- 50 gr. of dark cocoa
- 240 gr. of flour
- 1 ½ tsp of baking powder
- With a Bain Marie, melt Smeds butter on a low heat then whisk it well with the condensed milk from Smeds.
- Add sugar and cocoa and keep stirring with a whisk. Put vanilla, baking powder, flour and stir them well.
- With a brusher, brush the cake pan (23 cm) with butter and coat with a little cocoa.
- Preheat the oven at 170 degrees and place the cake pan for about 35 minutes or so that the fudge cake is semi-dry in the middle.